Thursday, September 22, 2011

Many Rooms

John 14:2
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

On Wednesday, the group talked about what this passage meant to them. Most said that "rooms" to them meant that God made space for everyone, whether physically, theologically, or in the way you relate to God. We then made pictures on the various rooms that we spend time in. It was fun to see the incredibly varied ideas, and how we relate to God in each of these spaces. The list included the room that nature sometimes folds us into, a minivan, and ugly but comfortable furniture. :)


  1. Thanks to everyone for a great evening! I drew three "rooms" - my office, my bedroom, and the starry sky at Camp Caz. Although it was easy for me to connect the last of those to a spiritual experience, I've been continuing to think about how I connect those first two rooms to feeling the presence of God. The honest answer is probably "not so much," but I think the biggest way is in listening to music (especially my couple of Taize CD's!) and also trying to incorporate prayer more into my daily life.

  2. Yes, I'm the minivan owner :) It was really surprising and also a great relief to realize that my car is a wonderful haven for God and me time. I give thanks for technology like wireless bluetooth that enables "safe" connections with loved ones while driving and for listening to music on the radio or via my iphone. It feels weird to say, but God speaks most to me while I am driving...or perhaps, I listen best for God while driving :)
